Swen, 1987
Swen, 1987
Catalogue Raisonné
A catalogue raisonné on the works of Nancy Graves is being researched and prepared. This comprehensive publication will list and reproduce all known works in painting, sculpture, drawing and film by Nancy Graves. If you own an artwork by Nancy Graves, we would appreciate hearing from you so that the catalogue raisonné will be as complete and accurate as possible.
A catalogue raisonné of the artist’s prints Nancy Graves; Excavations in Print, A Catalogue Raisonné, by Thomas Padon was published in 1996 by Henry N. Abrams, Inc., in association with the American Federation for the Arts.
A catalogue raisonné of the artist’s sculptures through 1986 The Sculpture of Nancy Graves, A Catalogue Raisonné, with essays by E. A. Carmean, Robert Hughes, Michael Edward Shapiro, and Linda L. Cathcart was published in 1987 by The Fort Worth Art Museum, Hudson Hills Press, Inc.
If you have artwork or documentary materials such as photographs, correspondence, and exhibition information pertaining to Nancy Graves, please contact Christina Hunter, director, at ch@nancygravesfoundation.org.
Click here for the Foundation’s Catalogue Raisonné form.
All information will be kept strictly confidential.